The legendary jodi of Bollywood was said to be head over heels in love with each other when they tied the knot in 1971. It has always been said that the Kapoors asked Babita, already a star, to quit movies, and troubles started then. But tabloids have also reported that Randhir's temper problem and alcoholism were a reason for their separation in 1988. The couple still lives separately, but have  now reconciled differences and come together for social dos.

Unfortunately, for actress Karisma Kapoor, it has been a story similar to her parents, Randhir and Babita. Are they filing for a divorce? Are they back together? Are they dating other people? Karisma and businessman Sanjay Kapur have kept everyone wondering since 2005. The couple tied the knot in 2003, but has always been surrounded by rumours of Sanjay dating a Delhi-based socialite. After two kids and 10 years of being married, hopefully the couple will soon come to some decision.

Hrithik broke a million hearts when he married childhood sweetheart Sussanne in 2000. There public appearances, interviews and page 3 photos showed a dreamy picture, but the stark reality was brought forth only last year when the couple announced their separation. Amid rumours and linkups, whether the couple will file for a divorce or get back together still remains the question. Read the full story behind Hrithik and Sussanne's separation here.

Leading poet, Gulzar, married actress, Raakhee, already a divorcee, in 1973, when both were new to the ways of Bollywood. It is said that trouble sparked when Gulzar did not consider Raakhee for his movie Mausam, and cast her then rival Sharmila Tagore instead. After many differences, the couple split just a year later and have been living seprately ever since.

Actress Mahima Chaudhary got married to the already divorced architect, Bobby Mukherjee in 2006, in a hush-hush ceremony. In 2011, however, it was made public that the couple has been living separately due to incompatibility and differences. Still not divorced, the couple are probably giving it second thoughts for their 4-year-old daughter.

She wrote a tell-all-tale on his life, he accused her of adultery, and later ended up being accused of domestic violence! After much drama and hulchul, the couple made their differences public and separated. Surprisingly, even after a lot spats in public and the matter even reaching the police station, the couple has still not divorced each other.

Director Anurag Kashyap and Kalki Koechlin announced that they are “taking time apart but not divorcing” last year, putting an abrupt pause to their two years of married life. The tabloids played their part by blaming Anurag’s closeness with actress Huma Qureshi for the separation. However, Kalki stated that no one can be blamed for their differences.