Milk is a great source of protein and carbohydrates, along with many other nutrients making it great for weight gain. A 100 ml serving contains around 3.4g of protein and if you drink 2 glasses every day, you would have consumed 14g of protein.   Read more about health benefits of milk.

Eggs too are a great source of protein, with 100 g containing as much as 13 g of protein. They are also loaded with several vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 making them an excellent health food. Read if you should eat only egg whites or whole eggs.

Energy bars like granola bars might not be healthy if you are trying to lose weight, but it’s a good option for those trying to gain it. They are loaded with nuts and calories, and if consumed in moderation, they can help add some weight. Read more for a healthy weight gain diet. 

Oats are rich in fibre, and a 100 g serving contain 17 g of protein. They are also rich in iron, making them a great health food for everyone and not just for those who are trying to lose weight. Here are 5 reasons to start eating oats today!

Bananas are often recommended in most diet plans for weight gain. A single banana contains 105 calories and gives you an instant source of energy. Also, they contain a lot of carbohydrates making them a great food to have to replenish yourself after a workout. Often, you’ll see tennis players eating bananas in between matches for instant energy. Read about how bananas are great for your health.

If you like the taste of butter and want to put on weight, then you should definitely include it in your diet. It is extremely rich in fat with 100 g of butter, containing 81 g of fat. However, make sure that you eat it in moderation as a healthy percentage of this fat is saturated fat which can clog your arteries and lead to heart disease. Read why butter may actually be good for you.

About 40% of your diet when you are trying to gain weight, should consist of carbohydrates and potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, and contain amino acids like glutamine and arginine making them a good food option for those who want to gain weight. Make sure you retain the skin for optimum nutrional value.

Soya bean
Meeting your protein requirements every day can be tough when you are trying to gain weight. Soya bean which has as much as 36 g of protein per every 100 g serving, can be a great food that’ll help you meet those targets. 

Even though, a lot of people think they are unhealthy, eating noodles can be a great way to add some calories and carbohydrates in your diet. Also, you could mix it with a lot of vegetables which will give them many essential nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants too.