If the thought of your first day at a new college terrifies the life out of you, you’ve got some good foresight. Attending a university filled with unfamiliar faces and haughty seniors will throw you at first.

But there are things you can do to make the experience as painless as possible. We give you some tips on how to make friends when you join a new college. 

Wear a funny t-shirt
A surefire way to get noticed is to wear an outrageous t-shirt. Now, we’re not talking about a Britney tie-up shirt, but one of those quirky message type things. People will soon be striking up conversation with you about your apparel. Just don’t be surprised when the guys stare at your chest.

Come up with a weird intro line
Sounds cheesy, but this is sometimes necessary. A good intro line can make an immediate impression on your peers. Introducing yourself in a different way will get you noticed and start the friendship ball rolling. Just make sure it’s not too stupid or eccentric.

Get your hot boyfriend to drop you
Have hot boyfriend, will use him to impress classmates. Getting your Patrick-Dempsey-look-alike guy to kiss you goodbye at the college gate will definitely up your cool in class. Soon the girls will be asking if you know anymore dudes where your guy came from.

Throw a party
Get a few of your school friends together first. Then, casually mention to anyone who you think is friend-worthy at college that you’re having a party at your place. Some good food and a little alcohol later, you’ll have set the foundation for some lifelong relationships.

Attend events
Don’t look down on college activities. It can be hard to want to include yourself with a group of people you have never met, but taking the plunge into real social networking (no Facebook to help you out here, unfortunately) will bring you head on with people you can make friends with.

Remember that making friends takes some time, so don’t fret about it or try too hard. Everyone takes time to adjust to new situations. Just be yourself and try to have a good time!